Beach Day at Labadee

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Today we all went to the beach at Labadee. I'm told that Labadee is the only beach in Haiti that cruise ships dock, so I'm assuming it's one of the best in Haiti. The beach is closed to the public when a cruise ship is there, so we enjoyed the beach with the local people. A few of us went to a part that was really rocky and flat, so we got lots of small cuts on our feet. We spent the rest of the time in a sandier part, which was much more enjoyable.

One really cool thing I saw was called Dragon's Breath. It's at the tip of the peninsula where there are rock formations, and wind blows through some holes in the rocks and sounds like a dragon breathing. I'll post a video when I get a chance.

Evan Sharkey, a new short-term missionary, joined us today. He's a doctor from Northern Ireland, so now we have 4 from Northern Ireland (Gavin, Julie, Laura, and Evan). Evan will be here for a month.

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